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Friday, February 26, 2010

Buried Alive by Roy Hallums

Buried Alive is the account of the kidnapping of 56 year old Roy who lived and worked in Bagdad. This book is a first hand account of 311 days of captivity.

First let me make it clear that I am glad Roy Hallums made it back home to his family and friends. I can’t imagine even after having read the book what it was like for him day after day. However I found the book itself lacking. It lacked emotions and was fairly robotic in nature when it came to Mr. Hallums trying to explain what he felt and endured.

There was sense that he was holding out on the reader. Maybe it was because the experience itself was so horrible that his mind will only allow him to share the surface emotions of his captivity. I wanted to be inspired by Mr. Hallums’ experience I was only saddened by his choice to live in an unsafe country. Bagdad is not exactly a tourist haunt. As americans we must consider our choices especially when they put our soldiers at risk.

There were some elements in the book I didn’t enjoy at all. There was more smoke than fire.

The Hallums family account gave me more understanding on exactly what a family has to endure in this situation. They opened their hearts for this book and I don’t take that lightly.  I just wish Mr. Hallums would have let us in, but I think I understand why maybe he just couldn’t.

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